Sharing Thoughts and Ideas for a Healthier Environment

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reflections: Weeks 1-7

Over the past seven weeks I’ve learned a great deal not only about the environment but a lot about myself as well. The first two weeks were interesting learning how to create a blog

 The Read ‘n’ Seed project (week 3), which I chose to read the book entitled "The organic food guide: How to eat smarter and healthier. “ I was even more astonished by what I discovered throughout readings.  It was coincidental to a certain extent because the chapters that I was reading lined up with the documentaries we watch in classed. Having read and watch the documentaries really had an effect on how I view food, packaging of products, water and just the environment in general.  I feel now that before I purchase anything I need to do some in-depth research before I buy things now. Going to the grocery store is in no way fun, I’m more at a lost as to what to buy. I want be healthy and obviously want my family to be healthy as well but knowing what I know now has made it a difficult task.

 Weeks four and five was interesting learning about how much I contribute to the environment and by engaging in the instructed activities. Classmates made some valid points about the activities that we had to not encompassing various aspects that suited every lifestyle, but for the most part I personally was enlightened with the outcome because it bought out some valid issues that I never considered prior.  As the course continued, and as I indulged myself in the

One thing that did stand out over the activities we’ve partook in thus far was the documentary “Green.” (week 6)The documentary was so disturbing because I never really considered environmental racism as being such an issue. That was definitely an eye opener for me. It so disturbing how this country operates, seeing these issues really prompt me to want to take a stance and do something about the issue.  Not just on environmental racism but with the bottle water issue (week 7)   and all the issues we’ve been exposed to over the past seven weeks. I really appreciate the information that this class offers and I’m eager to learn more over the next seven weeks!


  1. Hi Chnice!

    It's great that your Read N Seed chapters matched up with the documentaries we watched in class - I love when stuff like that happens!

    Not sure if is just a blog error or not, but your second-to-last paragraph (week 4-5) cuts off. Just wanted to let you know!

    I was also disturbed by what we learned from "Green", as well as the other documentaries.

    I really enjoyed following your posts for these first few weeks!

  2. Hey Chnice!
    I really enjoyed all of your input you had from your Read N Seed, very interesting and insightful!
    Good luck with all of your future changes!:)

  3. Chnice!
    I’m in your new group for week 8 on. So I’m excited to see what you’re going to do your advocacy and junking projects on.
    I understand what you mean involving how you learn so much about food, that it makes it more confusing what to buy. After learning about pesticides, I have a hard time eating fruits, which is recommended by the health professionals. If you get caught up in eat this or don’t eat that, the stress will kill you before the food will. What I learned in nutrition from Char Harkins, is just to try and mix up your food and make the best choices with what resources you have.
    I’m glad you brought up environmental racism. I started to think of how that relates who what I learned in Human Diversity here at UMD. A lot of people think that since Martin Luther King Jr. did his deed that racism doesn’t exist. This documentary is clear evidence that things need to keep progressing for equality of every one of every size, shape, color, disability, gender, and status. If someone asked me to go work on a project like this after UMD for West Duluth, I definitely would.
    Really, looking forward to what you have to say on blogger and in class.
    Peace n love
    ~Shannon Flaherty

  4. Hi Chnice! I'm excited to be in your web group for the next few weeks :) I totally relate to what you said about going to the grocery store. I feel like its more of a stress thing than anything! I think it's important to understand that we can never do it all, but doing small things like not using plastic water bottles or buying more organically does matter. Looking forward to reading more of your posts this semester!

  5. Chnice,it is a job in itself trying to find out what foods to buy at the grocery store and learning how to read labels and what they actually mean. That book you were reading sounds very interesting, I may need to take a look back at your posts on it. I try and eat organic as much as I can, so getting some tips from the book would be useful. I look forward to blogging with you =)


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