Sharing Thoughts and Ideas for a Healthier Environment

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Share & Voice: My Opinion

Hello web members-

I've been really contemplating about the whole phenomena of eating organic and not eating anything that contain hormones etc... My thought is, I think that the government is playing up both sides of the spectrum for capitalism purposes. I mean, how do you really know if we are eating "organic" foods. I guess what prompted me to think about this is because nowadays, you have store-brand items that are labeled organic and to me, it's something about that I don't trust. I think the government is truly playing each sides making us all believe that whatever decision we choose, it's okay. What do you all think?


  1. Chnice!

    I loved your point about the government in relation to organic food, because the USDA approval is a governmental agency. I looked up their link to check out what their policies and requirements are to be classified as organic. Here is the link

    I liked your question, "how do we know if we are really eating organic foods?" It's pretty unrealistic for us students in our busy lives to run out to our organic food producers farm fields to make sure they aren't using pesticides or make sure the USDA is regulating them correctly.

    I've thought about this before, and talked about it with some experts in nutrition. I've learned that you can never really know the ethical truth value of a food unless you take it to extreme researching. Heck the stress of researching would probably kill you before the hidden pesticides do. A good practice is to eat from local farmers, so you can ask how they grow their food organically. If that's not an option, switch up what you eat so you're not dumping all of your money into the same organic "brand name items" that might not be holding up to their ethical standards.

    The people of the Whole-Foods Co-op are really awesome people to talk to because when I've talked to them they've always given me information.

    Answering your question on my previous blog, I probably thought that everyone was going to put a picture up of Obama so I put more effort into the more unknown politicians. Not to say that I don't support him, I just put more focus into the other politicians because I don't know a lot about them or even what some of them look like. I just learned of a recent act Obama passed in relation to the EPA. I'll have to get you more info on it later because my book is at home, and I don't want to put out wrong info. Stay tuned though!

  2. I'm in the same boat here. I want to eat organic food but never really know who I can trust! It's a tricky situation to be in for sure. I think that Dr. V. made a great point about it in class one day though. Changing your ENTIRE diet is huge and very difficult; but making small changes goes a long ways. You don't necessarily need to change everything and buy all organic, but just changing a couple things is a great idea.

  3. I think that the Government does play some role in making us believe that certain foods are organic when maybe they actually aren't. We are in a food craze where everyone is wanting "natural" and "organic" products, and it's a very good thing that so many people want this, but it's hard to really know what's natural and organic and what is not. I think the smartest and safest decision on a consumer's part is to buy local as often as we can, check labels (USDA organic is one that I've come to trust), stay away from packaged and processed foods, buy in season, and to check where our dairy products are coming from. The Government, I think, knows that people want the best quality of things so they are going to give that impression to people that everything is natural and organic, even if it's not fully.


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