Sharing Thoughts and Ideas for a Healthier Environment

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 4: Third quarter of "The Organic Food Guide: How to shop smarter and eat healthier"

 Hello everyone!

This week I read chapters 5 and 6 (by the way the chapters were really short) pages 45-52. Even though the chapters were short, I really enjoyed reading the chapters because it brought out some very valid points. Chapter 5, Nutrition: Are organic foods more nutritious?  This chapter talks about nutrients that organic foods offer. According to Meyerowitz, organic foods rate higher in vitamin and other nutritional compounds and essential minerals such as Phytonutrients.  This is because organic fruits and vegetables are grown in rich nutritious soil that naturally contains higher amounts of minerals.  I thought this was an interesting point, phytonutrients such as polyphenols and antioxidants protect both people and plants. They protect people against allergies and arthritis heart disease and cancer. Pesticides, insecticides and herbicides inhibit a plants ability to produce these compounds- without them the plants are too weak to fight off pests (p.46).  It is believed that organically grown fruit produce more antioxidants which is a defense and repair mechanism against insects when grown without using pesticides. Also this chapter’s details information on studies that were conducted at several universities that tested the nutritional value of organic foods. What the studies found in general was that organic fruits and vegetables were more enriched with vitamins and minerals as opposed to non-organic foods.
Chapter 6, Taste: Do organic foods really taste better? In this chapter, the author mainly talks about the taste difference in organic food and non-organic foods. Meyerowitz conducted a tasting survey, what results indicated that the organic foods that were tested were juicier, riper and sweeter. However, some people preferred the non-organic foods instead. I know we all are different, especially when it comes to our taste buds, but what I found that was interesting was that excessive salt and flavor stimulants such as MSG aid in dulling the taste bud. And even though the taste survey indicated people mostly preferred organic foods over conventional foods doesn’t mean that conventional foods are incapable of producing the same taste. There are numerous variables that come in play in agriculture such as the season, location and temperature that affect the foods that is being produced.
I personally think it’s sad that we, as Americans, are subjected to such an unethical norm (in my opinion). After watching the documentary “Fresh” and reading the chapters, I think this affects the society negatively because people are consuming poisons by eating herbicides, and insecticides etc… which are also carcinogens .  As stated in class as well as in chapter 5 in this book, most Americans are conditioned save money by buying these cheap foods but in turn, Americans are still paying whether it’s with their money or their health!


  1. Hi Chnice!
    It's so ironic that you read about nutrition this week, because in one of my other classes we also discussed and looked into how organic foods have more nutrients compared to non-organic ones.
    Also, I have tried some organic foods and then compared to non-organic foods and have found that is does taste different, but it isn't a bad difference, but I have always been able to notice it.
    How long is the book you are reading? It sounds really interesting, and I would like to read it and learn more!

  2. Very interesting post! Organic and non-organic tastes the same to me. I think size and juiciness also depends on the fruits and veggies. A few years ago, my dad had the most sweetest cucumber ever from our garden. I didn't believe him until I tried it. The first bite tasted like the cucumber was coated and soaked in pure sugar. It was a party in my mouth.


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