Sharing Thoughts and Ideas for a Healthier Environment

Monday, December 12, 2011

Share 'N' Voice: Planned Parenthood and the Environment

Hello everyone!

I know you are probably thinking “what in the world does planned parenthood have to do with environmental health," but it is really interesting and I thought I would share this with you.  This kind of ties into our advocacy projects in a way and I thought It would be encouraging for both men and women to take note. Because there are so many agriculture chemicals being used on crops, as well as chemicals affiliated with our everyday lives, this in turn, is having adverse effects on the human reproductive systems. Atrazine is the number one pesticide used in the US by volume and  is known as an Endocrine disruptor according, to the video that I will link for you in just a moment, it's known to cause cancer as well as  pose reproductive effects such as  decrease sperm in males and alter hormones. But Atrazine is just one of the many pesticides that are commonly used that pose effects to the reproductive system. In the short video, I thought it was very informative to learn that some of the everyday products that we use, or some of the things that we use and may not give much thought to them plays a dominate role on our reproductive health:
I am happy to hear that Planned Parenthood was a part of the coalition on getting BPA banned in Minnesota. BPA is now removed from baby bottles and Sippy cups which are means used to feed babies . Minnesota was the first state to pass this law and other states are currently trying to get this law mandated.   If you are interested in ways to avoid using such chemicals or ways to take action to stop the use of unsafe issues you can  go to to get involved.


  1. I found the last paragraph of your post to be the most interesting. I just wrote my Share and Voice and part of it was an article about BPA. As you'll see in my post, the FDA decides in March of 2012 whether or not to ban the use of BPA in plastics and cans, as they are causing negative health impacts on people. I didn't know about Planned Parenthood working to ban BPA in MN...that's awesome!

  2. Chnice!

    I can't tell you how much I loved this video! It's always really nice to have some humor when you're learning about the gloom and doom of the chemicals in society.

    Throughout the semester in this class, I've also realized a trend in chemicals and reproductive health. When I've entered in my beauty products on the cosmetic eye opener site, a lot of the health hazards were damaging reproductive health.

    When I was looking through the pictures of the Linky Party your picture and title, "Planned Parenthood and the environment" caught my interest above all other options! I was expecting to a post about how Planned Parenthood might've started to recycle more, but this video and post shocked me into something greater than my expectations.

    Wonderful post! It's been such a great semester with you, and your determination to go to school while raising three kids is very inspirational to me. I hope you enjoy working with the ALA this coming semester.

  3. That is so cool that Planned Parenthood was part of the coalition on getting BPA banned in Minnesota. It's interesting to hear that Minnesota was the first state to get this banned as well, definitely a good thing. I had no idea that stuff was in baby bottles, scary to think if that is in our kids stuff, what else is? Very interesting post!


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