Sharing Thoughts and Ideas for a Healthier Environment

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

Water: Quintessential for life
So far throughout this course, one of the most compelling issues that we have covered is water. Water, in my opinion, should not be such a controversial subject. Water is needed for every living thing. Water was here before mankind and surrounds us every. So the water issues that our world is experiencing very unsettling to me that I felt that I should dedicate my photo essay to-water.
Waters off the island of Jamaica

Water makes up 70% of earth's surface; 75% of the human body and 90% of human blood is made up of water. So as we can see, water is a vital and essential component of life. However, even though we are surrounded by a plethora of water, only 1% is fresh.

Of that 1% of fresh water, as we now know after watching the documentary "tapped," many companies are bottling this natural element for the purpose of profiting from consumers. In addition to the rip off of reselling water for profitable gain, some water bottles made out of plastic containers that contain chemicals which may pose adverse health affects to those who drink water from those plastic containers.

I personally find this disturbing because companies are  playing off of people ignorance on the matter and it is filtering into vulnerable populations such as infants. For example,when parents give their children infant water, it is usually the water the find in grocery stores that is confined to containers that we know are not constantly being tested, as well as the chemicals in which the containers are made from that may pose such negative health effects, such as cancer and neurological effects.

Much attention had started to center around  tap water and all the chemicals associated with it. The water industry started to promote a "healthier" standard of bottled water, by implementing reverse osmosis as a concept of  not drinking contaminated water. Still, what about the chemicals associated with this plastic water jug?

Now that the plastic usage of water bottles have been polluting the environment and there has been a lot of attention surrounding the issue,there has been strides implemented to reduce the environmental effects of plastic water bottle pollution. One way is by promoting the "Green" symbol on bottled water to encourage people to recycle.

Some water containers just simply remind consumers to recycle by refilling the water container.

Another method is by using water systems that are offered in stores and refilling your own water jug.

Other solutions is to use filters that fit on your faucet to help eliminate contaminants from the tap. This method not only avoid using a lot of  plastic, but also it saves money by not having to but bottled water.

In conclusion, because glass bottles offer more purity in there structure and do not pose any affect on the environment by their chemical composition ,I often wonder why companies that bottle water and make so much revenue from the phenomena  just don't use real glass bottles!


  1. Wouldn't a big reason for companies not bottling water into glass bottles be because they are more expensive? It always comes down to money, and this issue is obviously no different. It would be great for people and the environment if glass bottles were used but I don't see that happening. I think filtration systems are great and people should start using them more instead of buying the plastic water bottles. Companies need to stop making plastic water bottles so accessible and convenient, even if it may hurt their business it would benefit everything else overall.

  2. Chnice!

    Loved your post once again! I had never seen these brands of water jugs for small babies. Seeing things like this makes me think of us as health educators have all of the more purpose in this world to help people realize that they can make better decisions than buy bottled water.

    The photos that have water jug fillers shocked me a little as well. I haven't seen this in any convenient stores or any stores in general. With your pictures showing me what they look like I'll be sure to find them when I'm out and about!

  3. I really liked the topic of this post since my SMART goal was to stop using plastic water bottles. I almost never purchase the cheap, plastic bottles anymore, since they just end up in landfills anyways! The part that stood out the most to me in your post was the baby on the water jug. It's sad that so many people are unaware and naiive about the dangers of plastic and what they can do to a person. I wish companies would make more glass water bottles...they are a little hard to find but really are so much better in the end.


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